Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday Tips for Better Sewing

What difference can pressing a seam make? Believe it or not pressing is one of the major differences between a professional seamstress and beginner. When every seam is pressed it creates a smooth, almost invisible finished look. When they are not pressed you tend to notice all the seams more, they are bubbly and not flattering to the garment. I like to press all my seams open. This creates less bulk in the garment for a more comfortable wear.

You just have to make pressing a habit. It will become a sewing lifestyle that you cannot live without. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Twins 1st Birthday Outfits

A little more than a year ago we met a soon-to-be mom of twin girls. She started taking sewing lessons from us because she wanted to be able to make her little girls cute dresses and accessories. Now they are almost 1 year old so we had the privilege of creating their 1st birthday outfits. Included in the set was the tutu,  the embroidered onesie by Kirks Korner Embroidery, the tights and the headbands.

It was so enjoyable to watch them play together, although it was a little hard getting them to be photogenic for us!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Singer Sewer...

This past weekend we helped my grandparents move to a smaller home. Among many of my grandma's collectibles was a beautiful antique Singer sewing machine. She still used it sometimes for mending and hemming so she wasn't ready to give it away til now because she has granddaughters to do that for her! Saturday we got to take it home with us. We tried to look up some history about it. We didn't find too much about the specific model of machine except that it was made some time around the1920's. Right now it is a beautiful display in our shop but maybe soon we will actually use it a little just for fun. Having to push the treadle definitely gives you a good calf work out so maybe if I feel like getting some exercise I will use it. 

In one of the drawers we found a box full of feet and accessories.

Friday, January 13, 2012

From Picture to Reality...Custom Women's Dresses

Do you ever find that perfect dress online but end up disappointed because they don't have your size or it's so expensive, or it's too short? Well don't be discouraged, we specialize in taking photos of that dream dress and creating your own dress into a reality...or I might say, even better than reality :-)

Our friend Molly came to us with this problem. She found a dress online, then beginning with that dress she designed the perfect one for her style with details and trims to enhance it. The first one was a vintage style dress. It has a chiffon bodice with a embossed velvet rose suiting for the skirt. The original dress was from Modcloth.

Here's the first dress we started off copying

Here's our rendition...we added lace around the collar and cuff.

And here's the 2nd dress we copied.

It is 100% dupioni silk with authentic antique lace in each pin-tuck.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Custom Wedding Gown Finale!

Back in the summer we began creating a custom wedding gown. The original design of the dress was an "a line" dress, straight neckline, and long sleeves. As the dress took shape and fittings were done, the design gradually evolved. The neckline was changed to a slight sweet heart shape, a pleated sash was added to define the waistline, simple beading was added to the bodice and a pick up to the back of the dress. These design elements helped give this dress the simple elegance our bride wanted. After adding those elements we all agreed that more beading on the bodice would be stunning and a beaded train would add the finishing touch. It was amazing to see the transformation this dress took. The bride loved it and it was perfect for her autumn wedding day!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Liebster Blog Award...

We have been awarded with the Liebster Blog Award.

Thanks Shay, at Raising Deiter, for giving it to us!
I get to give the award to 5 up and coming bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers! If you are a recipient, it is your responsibility to give it to 5 blogs and share the blog love!
Here are the rules:

1. Choose 5 up and coming blogs to award the Liebster award to.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. Show the bloggers you gave the award to and add links to their blogs.

And the winners are -
Elaine from Stichnquilt

Marie from My Baking Journey

Kathi at South Bay Studio

Pam at Kirk Korner Embroidery: